Cloud computing is one of the hottest trends. Most technological solutions are now on cloud and the ones remaining are vying to be on cloud. Due to its exceptional benefits, it has magnetized the IT leaders and entrepreneurs at all levels.
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud Computing is when many computers are linked through a real-time communication network. It basically refers to a network of remote servers that are hosted in Data Center, which further can be accessed via internet from any browser. Hence, it becomes easy to store, manage, and process data as compared to a local server or personal computer.
What is Cloud Networking?
The access to the networking resources from a centralized third-party provider using Wide Area Network (WAN) is termed as Cloud Networking. It refers to a concept where the unified cloud resources are accessible for customers and clients. In this concept, not only the cloud resources but also the network can be shared. With Cloud Networking, several management functions ensure that there are lesser devices required to manage the network.
When data began to move to cloud, security became a major debate, butΒ cloud networking and cloud computing securityΒ has come a long way with better IAM and other data protection procedures.
Cloud networking and cloud computing securityΒ revolves around three things-
- Safeguarding user accounts in the cloud
- Protecting the data in the cloud
- And, then the third aspect is application security.
Trending Research Areas in Cloud Computing Security
Following are the trending research areas in theΒ Cloud Computing Security:
- Virtualization:Β Cloud computing itself is based on the concept of virtualization. In this process, virtual version of a server, network or storage is created, rather than the real one. Hardware virtualization refers to the virtual machines that can act like a computer with an operating system. Hardware virtualization is of two types: Full Virtualization and Para-Virtualization.
- Encryption:Β It is the process of protecting data by sending it in some other form. Cloud computing uses advanced encryption algorithms in order to maintain the privacy of your data. Crypto-shedding is another measure in which the keys are deleted when there is no requirement of using the data. There are two types of encryption used in cloud computing security including Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Searchable Encryption.
- Denial of Service:Β It is a type of attack in which an intruder can make the resources of the users unavailable by disrupting the services of the internet. The intruder makes sure that the system gets overloaded by sundry requests and also blocks the genuine incoming requests. Application layer attack and Distributed DoS attack are some of its types.
- DDoS Attacks:Β It stands for Distribution Denial of Service. It is a type of Denial of Service attack in which hostile traffic comes from various devices. Hence, it becomes difficult to differentiate between the malicious traffic and the genuine one. Application layer DDoS attack is another type of DDoS attack in which the attacker targets the application layer of the OSI model.
- Cloud Security Dimensions:Β Software called Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB) in between the cloud applications and cloud users, monitors all the policies related to cloud security and also enforces the cloud security policies.
- Data Security:Β The Encryption method is used in protecting and maintaining the privacy of the data because security in the cloud-based services has always been the focal point. Due to some vulnerabilities and loopholes, data might get exposed to the public cloud.
- Data Separation:Β An important aspect of data separation is the geolocation. Organizations should make sure that the geolocation for data storage must be a trusted one. Geolocation and tenancy are the major factors in data separation.
Cloud is one of the topics with no limit at all. With its help, you can perform any kind of project in order to enhance the performance in speed and magnify the security algorithm so as to prevent the files from being hacked.
Sify allows enterprises to store and process data on a variety of Cloud options, making data-access mechanisms more efficient and reliable.