Sushant Purushan, Business Head – Data Centre & Cloud Services, Sify Technologies Limited
Vijay Bellam,
Vice President – Global Service Delivery, Sify Technologies Limited


September 23, 2020 | 6.00 PM


As cloud computing becomes an integral part of IT, it exerts a greater influence on enterprises, starting from infrastructure and business strategy to design and location. Selection of data center technologies and providers to complement public clouds have become critical to retain agility, flexibility, scalability and choices.

For hybrid cloud deployments, cloud-adjacent or near-cloud data centers with high-performance, secure cloud interconnects are vital for various application configurations, resiliency, availability and to meet expected SLAs. It is important in this context of having a data center and cloud interconnect with minimum latency and flexible bandwidth.

A professionally run data center with all the above capabilities offers peace of mind and stability by way of robust security and compliance to a business during these troubled times and, thereby, allowing them to focus on their transformational objectives.

In an insightful web session, organized by ETCIO.com and Sify, industry experts will throw more light on how enterprises can leverage hybrid IT-ready data centers and cloud interconnect for business growth.