Telecom is the backbone of current IT industry. Currently there are so many companies offering telecommunication services. It is very difficult to conclude on a service provider when going for a telecommunication services as there are several companies offering several different options and everybody trying all their marketing techniques to catch hold of you. No doubt every company is making its best to make a place and retain their customer, however different businesses have their own needs and selection of a telecom providers should be aligned to your needs. There are certain things that you need to consider when going for a telecom service provider.
In this article, we will discuss about certain aspects that you should think before going for a telecom service provider.
Network Security and reliability: It is of utmost important to think about network and security when selecting a telecom provider. You must see what is the network type? If it is a fully converged network with a consolidated infrastructure based IP, Ethernet and optical technologies. Network convergence is basically coexistence of video, voice and data communication over the single network. Security of converged network is a major concern. So it is important that you should check if network is secure enough, has added protection and prevents denial of service attacks.
You must see that the telecom provider is reliable, and should help you grow your business. Even a small disconnect or glitch in the telephone or internet connection can cause you a loss of hundred, thousands or even more. So it is important to make sure that you are covered enough, your provider should have ability to restore the service fast without or minimal impact to the business.
Service Offerings and Support: You need to check what products and services are provided by the telecom provider as per your business needs. Do they provide range of products including cloud, voice, data, and internet and managed services? Provider should be able to assess and assist with selection of cost effective product and service aligned to your business needs.
You need to make sure that your telecom provider is offering a good customer support. Most of the time even a good product does not go well because of bad customer support and service. Your Provider should be able to assist you when you need help. Check with other customers of the telecom provider and enquire about the customer service, if they are proving quick fix for the issues, they patient enough to understand you problem and deal with your problem efficiently. A provider with good customer service that can solve your problems quickly, treat you with respect and good communication should be a plus when considering a telecom provider.
Costing and profitability: It is not true that lower cost means a worse service. Some providers pay a discounted wholesale rate, pass the savings on to the customers and ensure to give great service to businesses. While selecting a telecom provider, you need to check if the providers are offering competitive, negotiated quotes as per your business needs. You need to think of long term profitability while considering a telecom provider. Your telecom provider should help you protect your existing customer base, and create new revenue streams and venturing into new markets.
Technology and Scalability: It is important to check the technology offering by your service provider. The provider should ensure that systems offered are constantly updated and they are offering latest technology available in the market. This ensure that your system is current and efficient enough to handle any operation or peak load and there are no performance issues.
You need to ensure that provider is offering service that is flexible and scalable enough to handle future growth. Check is the telecom provider is using cutting edge technology. You need to make sure that upgrades are smooth and hassle free. Your need of expanding product as per growing business needs will be well catered.
Customization: All businesses are different and have different business needs. Telecom provider should offer good amount of customization and options in their product and service as per your business needs. You should be able to select the service that you want and does not load with unnecessary burden of other services which may not be needed for your business. You need to ensure that telecom provider is helping you to customize a precise system for your business.
Considering above points should help you deciding a right telecom provider. Be it a small business or a large enterprise, you need a telecom provider that offer a highly reliable service, customizable and scalable product offering, good customer support services and a cost effective solution as per your business needs. While selecting a telecom provider do ask for a reference and ensure that you will get what you are expecting.